Sunday, March 14, 2010

A few hours sleep, 3 hours travel, some slippery rocks and fighting off the sea foam...

...allow me to bring you this:

Improperly exposed; I guess your imagination will have to fill in the rest.
Improperly exposed; I guess your imagination will have to fill in the rest.

Wow, what a morning! It started early, awaking at 2:30am, on the road by 3:00. I was really unsure about this mornings' expedition, as the weather radar showed rain over the intended destination, but then my alarm, which I attach a message/reminder note to, went off, telling me to, and I quote "Get outta bed you lazy bum." I figure what the heck, what is there to lose? half a tank of petrol? BAH! Nothing! So up I get, and off I head.

The drive up was uneventful, very little rain and the sky was pretty clear when I got to Point Cartwright on the Sunshine Coast. Which was quite a blessing, considering the official forecast and what I predicted it would be like based on the radar.

The surf was quite rough and the tide was high and still rising. Nothing to be especially concerned about, a little bit of care while on the rocks and keeping an eye on the waves would keep me and my camera safe... the huge "man, these are some tough shooting conditions" factor came in the form of sea foam, and lots of it. Coupled with the wind providing the rough surf, and you've got some tough shooting conditions. More than once I found myself suddenly up to my stomach in a pile of foam... and more than once did my poor camera find itself in the middle of that pile.

The worst part about the whole morning, was that as soon as I found myself a seemingly safe position and composition, a few large waves would hammer me, and the foam would love me that little bit too much to make it worthwhile sticking it out. So on I would move to the next composition. On the plus side, I did come away with a large variety of compositions.

But, was it worth it? At the time, I wouldn't have thought so; upon looking at my shots afterwards, most definitely.

You've got to be there to shoot it.


1 comment:

  1. Hi J.P.,
    I saw a photo of yours of flickr of a wedding couple at the GABBA, it caught my interest because I'm getting married in Brisbane in July this year and my wife to be is a huge Lions fan.
    I was wondering how the couple or you, arranged to get on the ground or any advice you could give us would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for your help, love the photo's and the thoughts, keep up the good work.
    Take care,
    Ants (
